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April's "Fight For" List

  • Inclusive School Curriculum

    The Advocate reported on 7 states that teach LGBTQ+ subjects in schools: California, New Jersey, Nevada, Illinois, Washington, Connecticut, and Colorado.

    • We must continue fighting for the LGBTQ+ students in every other state.

  • Books Bans

    In another report, The Advocate listed the most challenged library books in America… and most are LGBTQ+. Books include All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, and Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. See the full list.

  • LGBTQ International Putin’s Russia: first arrests under new anti-LGBT laws mark new era of repression.

    • ‘Just over three decades after Russia decriminalised homosexuality in 1993, three people have been arrested and charged under the country’s harsh new anti-LGBT laws and could face ten years in prison for membership of an “extremist organisation”.’

    • This is why we must fight TODAY to keep the rights we have worked so hard to earn. We must never take them for granted.


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